Sunday, 22 December 2013

But it is good for you!

So this blog entry is more of a complaint and comparison one. You may be wondering about the title and why this post is called that. Well I shall tell you, it is all to do with reading. Yep, that's right. The topic of this post is reading. If you don't like books and loathe reading then please go away and only come back once your opinion of reading has changed!

Now the whole reason why I made this post was because I am hearing, to often, 'I hate reading.' 'Reading is bad for you!'



Reading opens up the doors of our imagination, improves our vocabulary (from reading more advanced books), it allows us to travel to far off places without leaving our living room! Reading allows you do ANYTHING, within the limits of your IMAGINATION.

Gotta love reading.

So why do some people hate it?

I think it's because they view reading more as a punishment than a past time. I remember we were always forced to read in Primary School and half way through High School. See this was no problem for me because I love reading! However it was a problem for some other people in my class, including my friend Ellie. Ellie completely hates reading. She doesn't see the point in it. She claims it is meaningless and you could be doing better things to pass the time, e.g. watching TV. Now, I don't watch TV a lot and through it don't see the point in it. I would much rather prefer to become tightly wound with the characters, so it is as if I know them. I prefer to picture them in my own mind and picture their little quirks and habits, instead of having TV picture it for me.

Takes the fun out of it, you know?

In fact nobody in my friendship group (at school) seems to read, besides a few others and myself, and even then if they do read we all read different things! I mean you have Beth, who loves fan fiction, thriller books, comic books and all that sort of thing. Then there is Tash, who just reads whatever! She did manage to get through Anna Karenina, so kudos to her. Becky reads a lot to, I am just not sure what. There is me, who reads a lot a fantasy and sic-fi but is now drifting over to the classics (Yes I'm talking to you  Jess, Lainey and Catie. Thank you for making me read Sense and Sensibility. I only read it to see what the fuss was all about... Jane Austen is now one of my favourite authors ;_;) Finally, there is Kate. SHE IS A HUGE BOOKWORM. But she is not a bookworm for the classics, oh no. She is a bookworm for spiritual books and vampire stories - of which I don't like at all because I find them all the same and boring. Once you have read the Twilight Saga, you have read them all. Her and I are always getting into arguments over books.

I guess what I am trying to say is, just perceiver. Perceiver until you find a book, or an author that you grow massively fond of.

Good luck my little bookworms.

~ Catherine Out. ~